Sunday, July 16, 2006

Winged beast descends on book shop.

A quiet day in No.10, the Blairs are in Russia. When the PM is away, the cat does play. As you know as a ghost cat I can no longer catch mice with my mouth. However, I have devised a new way to bump them off. I aim a blast of ghostly breeze at their backs, resulting in them skidding nose first into the skirting boards, works a treat.

I saw a photo of Jordan dressed in large wings, and not much else. Shoppers in London were scared that the city had been invaded by someone with a very bad case of bird flu. Alas, it was only Katie Price trying to get more attention. I can't remember Agatha Chrisite or Catherine Cookson ever turning up for a book launch in a pair of wings, but then their books did the attention grabbing not the silicon sacks of the writer. For anyone interested the book is a work of fiction about a glamour model, called Angel.



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